Scripture, Quotes & Prayers
“If anyone gives even a cup of water to my little ones, he shall not lose his reward” - Matthew 10:42
“Dear friends, let us lay our daily crosses before god in our prayers, in the certainty that He is present and hears us. Jesus’ cry reminds us that in prayer we must surmount the barriers of our…problems and open ourselves to the needs and suffering of others. May the prayer of Jesus dying on the Cross teach us to pray lovingly for our many brothers and sisters who are oppressed by the weight of daily life, who are living through difficult moments, who are in pain, who have no word of comfort; let us place all this before God’s heart, so that they too may feel the love of God who never abandons us” - Pope Benedict XVI
"Love the poor tenderly for love of God" - St Maria, Letter 1132
“Then shall the just answer Him, saying; Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and feed Thee; thirsty, and gave thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger, and took thee in, or naked, and covered Thee? - Matthew 25
"Your life is not for yourself. In fact, it is not for your own consolation at all, but for God's people." ( A Voice From the Vineyard)
"The needy shall not always be forgotten and the hope of the poor shall not perish." Psalm 9:18
"Love of God is the first to be commanded, but love of neighbor is the first to be put into practice." St Augustine
"Blessed is he who considers the poor. The Lord delivers him in the day of trouble." Psalm 41:1
"Happy is he who is kind to the poor." Proverbs 14:21
"Stretch forth your hand to the poor, so that your blessing may be complete." Sirach 7:32